

Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Saturday, October 3 2009, there was a Persami in my school. The participant were all students grade X. Persami begin at 2 p.m. Beginning opening ceremony.
At Sunday, October 4 2009, in Persami, there was hiking. We were hiking in Katonsari village. A long way, we can stopped in post. There were 8 post. At sixth post (KIM post) to seventh post (estimate post), my group and I lost one’s way because the map was wrong. Then we looked for eighth post (health post). We thinked that was a near post, for asked where was seventh post and say if we lost one’s way. Finally on the way to eighth post we met committee and then helped us to seventh pos. we arrived in seventh post. Then we did duty an sventh post. And then we went to eighth post and went to basecamp.
We very tired because that was very far and we confused looked for seventh post. But that was very gratify.

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